Walk Safety Zone
As always our main concern is your child’s safety. To help accomplish this ALL students are expected to follow the BUS SAFETY RULES. These rules are essential to keeping each child safe and to reducing the distraction to the bus driver. It also helps to ensure that your child has a pleasant ride, anytime they ride the bus.
The illustration and directions below should always be followed to provide safe boarding and unloading of your child during their bus travels. It is important that parents familiarize themselves and their children with these basic steps for safety.
Instructions For Leaving a Bus
Stay away from the NO WALK ZONE.
When leaving the bus, take 3 GIANT STEPS OUT.
Then follow the WALK ZONE to Safety.
Teaching Your Child
Teach your child to get on and off the bus safely. Assure your children that you will not get mad if they don’t go back for a jacket they’ve left on the bus, or school work they’ve dropped under a wheel. To help ensure that you and your child understand the Bus Safety Rules and that your child has a safe and positive ride to and from school. PLEASE review the Bus Safety Rules with your child.
Bus Safety Rules
(S) Swearing or obscene language is not acceptable.
(A) Always remain seated and facing forward.
(F) Follow drivers directions the first time.
(E) Everyone will be held responsible for their actions.
(T) Treat equipment and others with respect.
(Y) You must keep your hands to yourself and inside the bus.
Designated Bus Permission Slip
Each student is required to ride their designated bus to and from school. Your child must have a written permission slip to ride a different bus home or to get off the bus at a bus stop that is not their regular designated bus stop.
Bus Seating
Each driver has the authority to assign seats or establish seating arrangements as they see fit, in order to manage the students on their bus.
Bus Stops
Have your child ready to board at the designated bus stop 5 minutes before the buses regularly scheduled time. While waiting at the bus stop each student should stay out of the roadway and be respectful of other people’s property. For the SAFETY of each student, there should not be any horseplay, pushing, shoving, or harassing at the bus stop.
Road Closures
Whenever there are road closures, Brown Bus Company will do its very best to get your child picked up and delivered to their regularly scheduled bus stop. There are instances when we will not know in advance of a road closure and we will not be able to travel our usual route. In those instances, we will let your child on or off at the closest accessible corner to their stop. We suggest that you let your child know of this possibility and any special instructions that you may have for them.
Late Buses
Routes can be delayed for a number of reasons and most of them are out of the control of the driver. Some examples of delays that cause buses to be late are trains, road construction, weather, and student discipline during the route and field trip buses returning late.
Motorists coming to a school bus from either direction must stop when the bus displays flashing red warning lights and extends the stops signal arm. These signals show that children are getting on or off the school bus.